Corvette Nightfire Hits Las Vegas!

Corvette Nightfire Bookcover

Available in Paperback or E-book!

Publication Announcement! Corvette Nightfire is out in paperback and available as e-book! Yes, read on paper, or take it with you on your Kindle, Nook, Apple iOS devices, and Windows tablets!

When gunfire erupts in a Las Vegas casino, a beautiful woman thrusts a heavy bag into the arms of Corvette Nightfire. Commanding him in Spanish, which he doesn’t understand, she shoves him to run and flees to an awaiting car. In a flash, Corvette’s destiny is changed. He must track the disappeared girl as he becomes the hunted.This non-stop romantic sequel takes up where The Z Redemption leaves off and straps the reader into another bumpy, exhilarating ride!

Below, grandson and marketing agent, Andrew, displays the new paperback version!

Marketing Agent Andrew

Visit Corvette Nightfire home page:

2 thoughts on “Corvette Nightfire Hits Las Vegas!


    Hi Dan, I’ve just uploaded the Kindle version of your book.  Will be taking it with me to read on my little vacation in Williamsburg week after next.  I might have to get a little head-start on it before then.   Ruth


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